EP 167 - You are the Expert of Your Child: I believe in you!
Get ready to trust your instincts, strengthen your bond with your little one, and unlock your full potential as a parent. Together, let's believe in ourselves and bring out the best in our children. BOOK LAUNCH Volume 2!
EP 118 - Liar Liar Pants of Fire; How to respond to lying
Hello World! In this first episode of the No Problem Parenting Podcast, Jaci discusses her own experience as a parent, a little TMI about herself and describes a strategy called Remembering the Pause. This strategy allows you to take just 6 seconds to calm yourself before you respond to your child's negative or unwanted behavior.
EP 113 - No-Problem Parenting 2022 Wrap Up; Become a Confident Leader for your kids in 2023!
Listen to Episode 113 which Jaci talks about what parents wish they could "fix" about their kids.
EP 100! Become a No-Problem Parent Today
This episode is all about how to Become a No-Problem Parent!
You will learn how to;
- Seek first to understand - Why is my kid acting this way?
- Prepare for the worst - Being prepared helps us parent with confidence and
- Change the Conversation - When we understand why our kids behave the way they do and we’re prepared to respond without fear and defensiveness, the conversation naturally changes. We become confident that no matter how big the problem we’ll get through it, No-Problem!
EP 87 Book Launch No-Problem Parenting; Raising Your Kiddos with More Confidence & Less Fear
Parenting has become harder than ever. Combine the pandemic, extreme anxiety, cell phones, and social media, and many parents are at a complete loss for what to do next and fearful to make mistakes.
We created the book, No-Problem Parenting™; Raising Your Kiddos with More Confidence and Less Fear to help parents of the fear bus gain confidence in their parenting!
The book features 21 authors who share how they are helping parents and kids become confident and kick fear to the curb
Click Here to Purchase the Book and GET FREE SHIPPING Your Copy
Title: EP. 82 Insecure vs Confident Parenting and We’re Publishing a Book! Coming Sept 20th, 2022!
Did you know that worry is driven by fear? And at the root of worry is insecurity.
Concern is driven by care and at the root of concern is confidence. Confident parents encourage and lead their children with empathy!
I'm gonna list 15 ways that insecurity shows up in our parenting AND 15 things we do when we are parenting from confidence!
EP. 80 7 Things Jaci Recommends to help you become the confident leader your kids crave you to be!
As the summer winds down and we gear up for the school year, Jaci shares 7 of her favorite products and resources that fill her tank, support her health, and nurture her confidence!
EP. 78 Sit in the Chair free download: Sit in the Chair
EP. 23 Make it Right Technique free download: Make it Right
Your Guided Health Journey/Equilife Detox; Health Kickstart & Detox
Innov*tive Nutrition: https://innov8tive.com/
Beauty Counter Skin Care: Beauty Counter
Chaos N Cookies/Heather's Free Chaos Consultation
54 Day Novena: Rosary Novena
EP. 78 Tantrums, Meltdowns & Misbehavior; Build trust with your toddlers and preschoolers with the Sit in the Chair Technique
Do your kids believe you will follow through when you redirect them? Do they believe you mean what you say? Or, maybe you set a limit, redirect or give a consequence to your child and they misbehave anyway? Maybe they laugh at you, run the other way when you call them or wet noodle to the floor, throw a tantrum and pull out all the stops to get you to give in?
The Sit in the Chair technique is for kids under 5 years old and its designed to stop an unwelcome behavior and helps your child reset without lecturing, yelling, or explaining.
EP - 32 The Story of Hello World, LLC & How a Goldfinch became its Logo
This episode is about the sweet story that lead me to become an entrepreneur including why I named the company Hello World and how a Goldfinch became its logo.
You'll hear how even though I prayed for God to lead the way when I was questioning my purpose and begged Him to show me what I was supposed to do when He did, I doubted Him. It took time my 8-year-old son, to point out how God made it so crystal clear.
EP - 30 Resistance Creates Resistance - How Staying Out of the Battle & Problem Teaches Your Child to Trust You
Do you ever feel like you just can't win with your kids?
Are you constantly battling with them? Arguing? Explaining? Demanding?
Today you'll learn a bit about why resistance causes our kids to lie and misbehave even more than usual, and I share a few ideas on how you can stay out of the battle and problems which allow your kids to trust you and come to you when they make mistakes.
EP - 23 I’m Sorry isn’t Enough! Introducing the Make It Right Technique
When your child misbehaves, causes a problem for, or hurts someone, is your go-to response; "Tell me your sorry!" or "You better say sorry!"?
Yep! Often times it is our go-to response! I'm excited to share another option for your kids to learn the effects of their behavior on others and how allowing them to make up for their mistakes or wrongdoing, builds character and self-esteem!
Introducing the Make it Right Technique.
EP - 15 Kids and Anxiety
A quick overview of what anxiety can look like in kids. I crammed A LOT of information in this short episode and only touched the surface of this very common, yet individualized natural response to stress!
EP 13 - Turn Technology Behavior Problems into No-Problem
How can you turn your child’s technology problems into a no-problem without having to be the bad guy all the time? I’ve got some ideas for ya!
I’m going to share how you can be EXCITED for your kids to use technology. I give you tips and tools for setting up your child's devices and I’m gonna help you prepare for how to respond to your kids when they mess up and technology becomes a problem. No-Problem parents view technology as a privilege AND an eventual necessity/skill they will need as they grow up.
EP 11 - Are you losing your cool with your kids because you’re too nice?
Your irritability with your kids might be at an all-time high right now – this past year has been super challenging and our patience in general has been tested to the max.
Listen in as I share how being too nice and not allowing natural or logical consequences to happen, and not following through with the little things because you just want to keep the peace can cause you to blow up in the long run.
EP 9 - Consequences vs Punishment - Allow your child to learn from their mistakes
No-Problem Parents understand that problems are meant to be dealt with and overcome and that the best way to teach your child "a lesson" is to allow them to own their problems or misbehavior and to solve the problem themselves. Our job as parents is to guide them as they make mistakes throughout their childhood and we can do so with empathy even when we are super frustrated, disappointed, or hassled by the misbehavior.
EP 5 What is Reactive Attachment Disorder-Part 2
In Part 2 of What is Reactive Attachment Disorder, I share with you some of the symptoms and behaviors that kiddos who have suffered breaks in attachment display and you'll hear about parenting strategies and responses to avoid as well as some key things that help you connect with and understand your child.
EP 4 What is Reactive Attachment Disorder - Part 1
Part 1 - What is Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD), I share how learning about the diagnosis in 1993 shifted my career path from serving children with special abilities to supporting kids with mental health diagnosis and their parents.
This episode just barely touches on the diagnosis and is definitely a brief introduction of what can happen when infants and toddlers experience early life trauma or separation from their primary caregivers.
EP 2 - What is No-Problem Parenting
Listen in as Jaci shares what it means to be a No-Problem parent and how the No-Problem Parenting™ model was created. Jaci shares the short story and the long story including how her mom's perspective set the foundation as a No-Problem Parent herself.
What problem can you turn into a No-Problem today?
EP 1 - Introducing Jaci & Remembering the Pause
Hello World! In this first episode of the No Problem Parenting Podcast, Jaci discusses her own experience as a parent, a little TMI about herself and describes a strategy called Remembering the Pause. This strategy allows you to take just 6 seconds to calm yourself before you respond to your child's negative or unwanted behavior.